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Goose Island Cleanup on May 11th

North Branch Works
May 3, 2024

The Chicago River is an incredible resource that connects neighborhoods, supports a vibrant local economy, and provides dynamic educational opportunities.

With that in mind, we’re excited to host the 11th annual Goose Island Cleanup with our amazing partners: MxD, Waste Management (WM), and Friends of the Chicago River.

It will be held on May 11th from 9 a.m. to noon at MxD (1415 N Cherry Ave).To sign up, please go here.

And if, by chance, our cleanup is full, please consider signing up for cleanups further north and south of us. Friends of the Chicago River needs more volunteers in these locations.

For a full list of cleanups, please see the google map here.

Our group will meet at MxD and take a group picture before spreading out across Goose Island and cleaning up the area.

The clean up is part of Friends of the Chicago River’s Chicago River Day. Since 1992, thousands of volunteers across the Chicago River watershed have come together to build community while removing litter from our local waterways.

All volunteers who join us will receive an exclusive and famous Chicago River Day T-shirt at no cost.

It’s a great way to support environmental sustainability, make new friends, and see the Chicago River from a new perspective.

We’ll begin the clean up with coffee and doughnuts and then distribute cleaning supplies generously donated by WM. Our groups will receive trash bags, garbage pickers, gloves, and safety vests.

WM has agreed to send its trucks around Goose Island to pick up the bags of trash. So, all that groups need to do is leave full bags of trash at corner intersections.

Following our cleanup, everyone is invited to attend after parties at our member business, Burning Bush Brewery (4014 N Rockwell St.) from 12-3 p.m.

Meet fellow volunteers, swap stories about what you found, and enjoy refreshments while celebrating our hard work.

With any questions, please contact Steve Simmons at 773-929-5552 x2226 or

Image credits: Kevin Hartmann, Sterling Bay

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