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Lean: The Path to Increased Efficiency & Productivity

North Branch Works
November 28, 2023

We know a common and consistent goal among manufacturers is to increase both efficiency and productivity in the workplace, especially on the factory floor.

Maximizing these qualities in the factory can lead to higher delivery rates, larger quantity of orders to be processed, and increased revenue for the company.

At the same time, there is a fine line between maximizing efficiency and working too fast – which could result in critical missteps and accidents along the way.

That’s where the concept of Lean comes into play. Lean manufacturing is centered around finding the ideal flow of work from start to finish.

The principles of Lean manufacturing are designed to help with factory layout, process organization, and simplification of tasks. These principles fit into every type of manufacturer.

Our partners at IMEC have a long history of providing Lean training and programs with proven success.

IMEC hosts nearly 10-15 “Lean Manufacturing Simulation with Overview” sessions throughout the year all around the state, providing a day of learning and hands-on simulations to provide a visual representation of what the power of Lean can do.

This video by IMEC shows what it’s like to be a part of one of their events:

If you’re interested in learning more about Lean manufacturing and how to start or improve your workflow, there are a variety of tools you can use, including:

Lean is a powerful tool that can make a lasting difference in your organization, and we look forward to being able to bring you the resources you need to ensure the best efficiency and productivity in your company!

This is a guest column by Eric Gray, Marketing Specialist, with the Illinois Manufacturing Excellence Center, a valuable resource for manufacturers in the North Branch.

Image credit: Illinois Manufacturing Excellence Center

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