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Manufacturing Summit on June 27th

North Branch Works
June 10, 2024

Join us for a Manufacturing Summit on Goose Island. It will be held on June 27th from 8:30-11 a.m. at MxD (1415 N Cherry Avenue). To sign up at no cost, please go here.

The program features a variety of available grants and no-cost resources from the Illinois Manufacturing Excellence Center, a discussion with the Cook County Assessor’s Office, a presentation from World Business Chicago, and networking opportunities.

Coffee and doughnuts will be provided. Space is limited; please sign up as soon as possible.

The summit provides a unique opportunity to engage with key players in the industry, gain insights into the latest trends, and explore the significant impact of manufacturing in Chicago.

Manufacturing is a cornerstone of Chicago’s economy, contributing a substantial $53.9 billion to the region’s GDP. The sector represents 11% of the City of Chicago’s GDP and approximately 360,000 jobs in the Chicagoland region.

Every job in manufacturing generates the creation of six other jobs in the local economy on average. Manufacturing in Chicago had two openings for every hire in 2017.

The average wage for manufacturing, when you include benefits, is $85,000. It is the foundation for a broad middle class, more so than the retail and service sector.

High wages contribute to rebuilding our city’s tax base and help build community wealth as well as sustainable and vibrant communities.

NBW is honored to host the event with our partners: MxD, World Business Chicago, Illinois Manufacturing Excellence Center, and the Cook County Assessor’s Office.

Don’t miss this valuable opportunity to be part of a transformative event that strengthens and uplifts manufacturing in the North Branch.

Image credits: Illinois Manufacturing Excellence Center

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– John Smith, CEO of a very important business