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Webinar highlights need for more small businesses to apply to city programs

North Branch Works
November 9, 2021

Today, North Branch Works and its partners hosted a webinar about COVID-19 relief grants and available resources for small businesses, which you can watch here and review the slide deck.

A major focus was the City of Chicago’s two open grant programs for small businesses, Chi Biz Strong and Outdoor Dining. Currently, the city has not received many applications for these programs.

Chi Biz Strong will award grants of $5,000 and $10,000 to small businesses and nonprofits depending upon annual revenues. To qualify, a business or nonprofit must be under $3 million in annual revenue and have experienced a loss in revenue or increased costs due to the pandemic.

We highly encourage our members and small businesses in the North Branch to apply. The deadline to apply is Friday, Nov. 12th at 11:59 p.m.

North Branch Works is grateful to have had a dynamic group of speakers join us for the webinar including:

In addition to grants, our speakers discussed other resources available to businesses such as property tax credits, assistance with workforce development training, one-on-one coaching services, and low-interest loans.

If you haven’t seen it already, please read this feature of Allies for Community Business for more information about resources available to  you at A4CB.

Also, we recommend reviewing the slide deck that has more information about the resources and assistance available to small businesses.

With questions and for help accessing these business support services, please contact Steve Simmons at 773-929-5552 x2226 or

Image credit: Chicago Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection

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– John Smith, CEO of a very important business