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Apply for grants from Chi Biz Strong & Outdoor Dining Programs

North Branch Works
November 3, 2021

The City of Chicago recently released two grant opportunities for businesses, the Chi Biz Strong and Outdoor Dining Grant Programs.

Chi Biz Strong will award grants of $5,000 and $10,000 to businesses and nonprofits that have experienced a loss in revenue or an increase in costs due to the pandemic.

In order to qualify, a business or nonprofit must be under $3 million in annual revenues.

To help bars and restaurants, the city launched the Outdoor Dining Grant Program. This initiative will provide grants of $5,000 for the purchase of outdoor equipment, pandemic-related signage, and personal protective equipment.

An overview of each program and its application are available here.

The deadline to apply is Friday, Nov. 12th at 11:59 p.m. Grants will be awarded via a lottery among eligible applicants.

Also, the City of Chicago held informational webinars about the Chi Biz Strong Program. Please find links below to recordings of them.

Chi Biz Strong for For-Profit Businesses

Chi Biz Strong for Non-Profit Organizations

With questions and for assistance applying, please contact Steve Simmons at 773-929-5552 x2226 or

Image credit: Chicago Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection

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