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New timeline for Division Street & Chicago Avenue Bridge projects

North Branch Works
May 10, 2022

North Branch Works continues to closely follow and push for the completion of major public infrastructure projects in our service area.

Recently, we learned the timeline for the replacement of the two bridges on Division Street in Goose Island has been adjusted (pictured Division Street Bridge over North Branch Canal).

It’s now expected that design for the project will be completed in the fourth quarter of 2022 with construction beginning tentatively in the second quarter of 2023. The entire project is projected to be finished by the fourth quarter of 2024.

During the construction phase, the Chicago Department of Transportation will build temporary bridges to the north of each one; there will be no detour.

The replacement of the Chicago Avenue Bridge is scheduled tentatively to begin the first quarter of 2024. The project is expected to be completed by the first quarter of 2026.

We will monitor these projects and provide updates. North Branch Works recognizes the success of industrial and small businesses depends up on having high quality and reliable public infrastructure.

For more information about these projects and others, please see this recap of our Infrastructure Task Force meeting in February.

With any questions or concerns, please contact Steve Simmons at 773-929-5552 x2226 or

Image courtesy of the Chicago Department of Transportation

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